OPTO-CH 2019 summer course meets POLITEIA II
June 03-07, 2019
The aim of OPTO-CH 2019 meets POLITEIA II summer course is two-fold: to introduce participants to applications of advanced laser-based technologies in Cultural Heritage (CH) science, diagnostics and conservation
to inform them of the latest developments of the National KRIPIS II project POLITEIA II (Advanced analytical, diagnostic, surveying, and documentation technologies in Cultural Heritage, MIS 5002478) as regards the multidisciplinary research performed at FORTH related to Heritage Science.
Experiments on-site Our invited speakers Dr. Susan C. Ferrence and Dr. Alessandra Giumlia-Mair will present their work on “Precious Metal Objects from the Minoan Cemetery of Petras: Luxury and Magic”
Lectures from experts on modern laser diagnostic and analytical techniques, as well as on laser cleaning methodologies will be combined with practical demonstrations and laboratory hands-on sessions. In parallel, experts of FORTH researching on a wide range of heritage disciplines will present their work within the interdisciplinary concept of POLITEIA II.
The summer course will conclude with field tests and experiments on-site at a selected monument in Crete in order to demonstrate the applicability of the techniques in practice.
for more information please visit out site : www.opto-ch.iesl.forth.gr
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